
pelangi setelah hujan

Rabu, 20 April 2011

curcolan si bocah X SMA

gw lagi galau..
oiya sekarang, anak gahul itu kan emang harus bisa galau..
#yesss!! gw jadi anak gahul!!
*g to the i to the l to the a = GILA

oke now! please forget all about your feel aufa!
it's not important..
aa, but, i felt so pain.. :'(
something different with me...
i felt, there's someone who was open my heart..
ah! forget it. i believe it just for a while!! it just for a whie..
maybe tomorrow, or next week.. it's will be gone!

i think, im not different with the other teen.

but, i will still in my commite! Allah has the best scenario for me..
Allah has a person for me.. it will be beautiful a that momment :)
i still say no to make a date, until akad! ^^v

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